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iPhone 7 could include cutting-edge ’LiFi’ technology that is 100 times faster than WiFi

干掉WiFi?iPhone 7 或支持LiFi技術(shù)

Apple’s future iPhones could include a cutting-edge technology that is capable of transmitting information at 100 times the speed of WiFi.

未來的蘋果手機有可能支持尖端技術(shù)LiFi, 其數(shù)據(jù)傳輸速率可高達WiFi的100倍。

Developer Chase Fromm made the discovery while browsing a section of code for Apple’s iOS 9.1 update, which began rolling out to iPhone users in October 2015.

Chase Fromm是一個開發(fā)者,他在瀏覽蘋果公司2015年10月向用戶推出的iOS 9.1 的軟件升級代碼時無意中發(fā)現(xiàn)了有趣的事情。

Buried in the code was a reference to "LiFiCapability", suggesting that future versions of the iPhone will support LiFi - a technology that uses light to transmit data through the air rather than radio waves.

這些代碼中有"LiFiCapability (LiFi 兼容)" 字樣,這暗示未來的蘋果手機或支持LiFi,這項技術(shù)用可見光取代無線電波在空氣中進行數(shù)據(jù)的傳輸。

While traditional Wi-Fi is capable of transmitting data at around 7 gigabits per second (Gbps), tests show that LiFi can transfer information at 100 Gbps, and could theoretically reach speeds of 224Gbps.


This means that high-definition films could be downloaded to an iPhone over a LiFi connection in a matter of seconds.


Although Fromm suggests that LiFi could feature in the iPhone 7, this is unlikely, given that it is still in the early stages of development. Researchers expect it to be ready for commercial use by the end of the decade.

雖然Fromm猜測iPhone 7 將支持LiFi 技術(shù),但是目前這項技術(shù)實現(xiàn)起來還是相當困難的,因為它仍處于發(fā)展初期。研究者稱該技術(shù)有望在2020年前投入商業(yè)用途。

The biggest drawback to the technology is that it cannot travel through walls, because it requires a direct line of sight between the transmitter and the user’s device.


The device also need to be within a three metre radius of the transmitter to pick up the signal.


Researchers at universities including Strathclyde, Edinburgh, St Andrews and Cambridge are all currently working to make LiFi more practical and accessible to electronics companies like Apple.


Light is already used to transmit data across fibre optic networks at high speed. These work by guiding the light along glass tubes so that no information is lost along the way.


However, transmitting information by beaming light through the air is more difficult, because there are no tubes to guide the signal to where it needs to go.




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