
最后更新時(shí)間:2010-08-17 13:04:46
輔導(dǎo)課程:暑期集訓(xùn) 在線(xiàn)咨詢(xún)
復(fù)習(xí)緊張,焦頭爛額?逆風(fēng)輕襲,來(lái)跨考秋季集訓(xùn)營(yíng),幫你尋方法,定方案! 了解一下>>
????SectionⅠUse of English
????Read the following text. Choose the best word(s)from each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)
????As former colonists of Great Britain,the Founding Fathers of the United States adopted much of the legal system of Great Britain. We have a“common law”,or law made by courts__1__a monarch or other central governmental__2__like a legislature. The jury,a__3__of ordinary citizens chosen to decide a case,is an__4__ part of our common-law system.
????Use of juries to decide cases is a__5__feature of the American legal system. Few other countries in the world use juries as we do in the United States.__6__the centuries,many people have believed that juries in most cases reach a fairer and more just result__7__would be obtained using a judge__8__,as many countries do.__9__a jury decides cases after“__10__”,or discussions among a group of people,the jury‘s decision is likely to have the__11__ from many different people from different backgrounds,who must as a group decide what is right.
????Juries are used in both civil cases,which decide__12__ among__13__ citizens,and criminal cases,which decide cases brought by the government __14__ that individuals have committed crimes. Juries are selected from the U.S. citizens and__15__. Jurors,consisting of __16__ numbers,are called for each case requiring a jury.
????The judge__17__to the case__18__the selection of jurors to serve as the jury for that case. In some states,__19__jurors are questioned by the judge;in others,they are questioned by the lawyers representing the__20__under rules dictated by state law.
????1. [A] other than [B] rather than [C] more than [D] or rather
????2. [A] agency [B] organization [C] institution [D] authority
????3. [A] panel [B] crew [C] band [D] flock
????4. [A] innate [B] intact [C] integral [D] integrated
????5. [A]discriminating[B] distinguishing [C] determining [D] diminishing
????6. [A] in [B] by [C] after [D] over
????7. [A] that [B] which [C] than [D] as
????8. [A] alike [B] alone [C] altogether [D] apart
????9. [A] Although [B] Because [C] If [D] While
????10.[A] deliberations [B] meditations [C] reflections [D] speculations
????11.[A] outline [B] outcome [C] input [D] intake
????12.[A] arguments [B] controversies [C] disputes [D] hostilities
????13.[A] fellow [B] individual [C] personal [D] private
????14.[A] asserting [B] alleging [C] maintaining [D] testifying
????15.[A] assembled [B] evoked [C] rallied [D] summoned
????16.[A] set [B] exact [C] given [D] placed
????17.[A] allocated [B] allotted [C] appointed [D] assigned
????18.[A] administers [B] manages [C] oversees [D] presides
????19.[A] inspective [B] irrespective [C] perspective [D] prospective
????20.[A] bodies [B] parties [C] sides [D] units
????1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D 7.C 8.B 9. B 10. A
????11. C 12. C 13.D 14.B 15. D 16. A 17. D 18. C 19. D 20. B
????The Treasury could pocket 20 million a year in extra fines once the country‘s speed camera network is expanded. Motoring organizations warned that the __1__could become a poll tax on wheels’,__2__huge number of drivers. There could be many more incidents of vandalism __3__cameras.The warnings came__4__a Daily Mail survey found almost all the 23 police forces in England and Wales were either__5__to expansion plans or considering __6__.
????Nationwide,the number of speeding tickets is expected to treble,__7__ 90 million a year.__8__the scheme,police keep some of the cash from fines to __9__the costs of fitting and maintaining extra cameras and__10__that existing ones always have film in them. The rest will go to the Treasury. Both Ministers and police insist the scheme is aimed__11__at making roads safer. They point to trials in eight areas which cut collisions by a quarter and deaths and serious injuries by __12__a half.
????But motoring organizations fear cameras will be sited on relatively safe__13__fast stretches to catch as many drivers as possible. Some forces are also expected to__14__the“threshold”speeds at which cameras are__15__to the absolute legal minimum-15 mph in a 10 mph limit,and 26 mph in a 20 mph zone. This could encourage drivers to stare at their speedometers instead of concentrating on the road,and __16__to more accidents. Sue Nicholson,head of campaigns at the RAC,said,“We don‘t have a problem with speed cameras __17__. But we do have concerns about__18__they are sited. Police risk losing credibility __19__motorists if cameras are seen as revenue-raising __20__safety devices.”
????1. [A] promotions [B] punishments [C] penalties [D] payments
????2. [A] isolating [B] separating [C] alienating [D] detaching
????3. [A] towards [B] against [C] before [D] over
????4. [A] so [B] once [C] as [D] where
????5. [A] subjected [B] engaged [C] intended [D] committed
????6. [A] taking part [B] keeping silence [C] making exception [D] paying respect
????7. [A] financing [B] profiting [C] funding [D] netting
????8. [A] From [B] Under [C] On [D] With
????9. [A] hide [B] cover [C] conceal [D] veil
????10. [A] pledging [B] assuring [C] confirming [D] ensuring
????11. [A] essentially [B] strongly [C] wholeheartedly [D] purely
????12. [A] in all [B] fewer than [C] at most [D] up to
????13. [A] but [B] whereas [C] though [D] while
????14. [A] fit [B] put [C] set [D] fix
????15. [A] levered [B] geared [C] handled [D] triggered
????16. [A] lead [B] add [C] contribute [D] resort
????17. [A] any less [B] by itself [C] after all [D] as such
????18. [A] who [B] when [C] where [D] which
????19. [A] in [B] with [C] against [D] for
????20. [A] in spite of [B] far from [C] rather than [D] by means of
????1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. B 9.B 10. D
????11. D 12.D 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. D 18. C 19.B 20.C



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