
最后更新時(shí)間:2013-03-20 21:11:19
輔導(dǎo)課程:暑期集訓(xùn) 在線咨詢
復(fù)習(xí)緊張,焦頭爛額?逆風(fēng)輕襲,來跨考秋季集訓(xùn)營,幫你尋方法,定方案! 了解一下>>


  Part C


  Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

  46)On a scale of one to 100 for the causes of stress, the death of a spouse scores the maximum points and divorce 73. Holidays and Christmas also score double digit figures.

  47)Recognized as the health hazard of modern life, stress can contribute, directly or indirectly, to heart disease cancer and strokes, as well as a number of psychological problems.

  Children are as likely to suffer from it as adults. No one, regardless of how calm their personality, is immune.

  "It is not only a problem for young urban professionals (yuppies) ," said Mark Greener, author of a new book called "Managing Stress".

  48)"In fact, it is often people who have little or no control over certain aspects of their lives such as those in routine jobs or the unemployed—who suffer particularly badly." added Greener, a pharmacologist and medical journalist.

  Up to half of sickness absence from work is due to work-related stress and depression, costing an estimated 7 billion pounds ( $11 billion) in lost revenue in Britain alone each year.

  Most people can cope with, and even need a certain amount of stress to perform to the best of their ability. But when demands for dealing with stress are greater than resources, strength or time it becomes dangerous.

  "Stress is a response to change in the environment. Anything that leads to change can cause stress, even if it's enjoyable," explained Greener.

  Britain's Trade Union Congress, concerned after a survey of workers revealed that stress was the biggest health hazard they faced, have launched a nationwide campaign to combat what it called the "new industrial epidemic".

  Stress is not a new problem. It has existed since cavemen foraged for food and hunted wild animals. But people are a lot better now at recognizing it and there is an increasing awareness among doctors that is causes many diseases.

  Many believed the computer age and the women's movement (resulting in more equality between men and women) would improve lifestyles and give men and women more free time. But Greener says people are now working longer hours, have more information to cope with and are feeling more insecure.

  "There is a great deal of uncertainty in the workplace. The old ideal of having a job for lief is gone," he said.

  49) Greener attributes juggling the demands of home, children and jobs, plus the prejudice they face in the workplace, as the main causes of stress for women.

  "For men it is changing (sexual) roles and the lack of security they tend to rely on," he explained.

  Managers are also complaining of being stressed by information overload." Having too much information can be as dangerous as having too little," said psychologist David Lewis.

  50)"What this report makes as clear as crystal is that finding ways of dealing with the information burden is now one of the most urgent world-wide challenges facing business."

  Studies have confirmed that certain personality types are better at coping with stress. Type A personalities who are very competitive, impatient, aggressive and restless tend to suffer while the unhurried, relaxed and more passive B types don't.

  "Everyone is stressed. It is a fact of life," said Greener. "What we have to do is to try to manage it."



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