
最后更新時(shí)間:2013-03-13 17:37:14
輔導(dǎo)課程:暑期集訓(xùn) 在線咨詢
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  Section ⅡReading Comprehension Part A Directions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)


  We have known for a long time that the organization of any particular society is influenced by the definition of the sexes and the distinction drawn between them. But we have realized only recently that the identity of each sex is not so easy to pin down, and that definitions evolve in accordance with different types of culture known to us, that is, scientific discoveries and ideological revolutions. Our nature is not considered as immutable, either socially or biologically. As we approach the beginning of the 21st century, the substantial progress made in biology and genetics is radically challenging the roles, responsibilities and specific characteristics attributed to each sex, and yet, scarcely twenty years ago, these were thought to be “beyond dispute”。

  We can safely say, with a few minor exceptions, that the definition of the sexes and their respective functions remained unchanged in the West from the beginning of the 19th century to the 1960s. The role distinction, raised in some cases to the status of uncompromising dualism on a strongly hierarchical model, lasted throughout this period, appealing for its justification to nature, religion and customs alleged to have existed since the dawn of time. The woman bore children and took care of the home. The man set out to conquer the world and was responsible for the survival of his family, by satisfying their needs in peacetime and going to war when necessary. The entire world order rested on the divergence of the sexes. Any overlapping or confusion between the roles was seen as a threat to the time-honored order of things. It was felt to be against nature, a deviation from the norm. Sex roles were determined according to the “place”appropriate to each. Women's place was, first and foremost, in the home. The outside world, i.e. workshops, factories and business firms, belonged to men. This sex-based division of the world (private and public) gave rise to a strict dichotomy between the attitudes, which conferred on each its special identity. The woman, sequestered at home, “cared, nurtured and conserved”。 To do this, she had no need to be daring, ambitious, tough or competitive. The man, on the other hand, competing with his fellow men, was caught up every day in the struggle for survival, and hence developed those characteristics which were thought natural in a man. Today, many women go out to work, and their reasons for doing so have changed considerably. Besides the traditional financial incentives, we find ambition and personal fulfillment motivating those in the most favorable circumstances, and the wish to have a social life and to get out of their domestic isolation influencing others. Above all, for all women, work is invariably connected with the desire for independence. (454 words)

  Notes: pin down 把…講明確;確定。immutable不可改變的。dualism雙重論。divergence分歧,偏離。overlapping部分巧合、一致。time-honored 由來(lái)已久的。dichotomy 一分為二,對(duì)立。sequester使隔離。be caught up in 被纏住于,如:He is caught up in the trivia (瑣事) of everyday things. unduly過(guò)度地,不恰當(dāng)?shù)亍?/p>

  21. It is only in recent years that we have recognized that

  [A]there is almost no clue to the identity of both sexes.

  [B]the role distinction between different sexes is conspicuous.

  [C]the different definitions of sexes bears on the development of culture.

  [D]the progress of civilization greatly influences the role definitions of sexes.

  22. From paragraph 1 we can infer that it is now possible for women to embark on a career because

  [A]the change in sex roles is out of the question.

  [B]women's lib has been going on for many years.

  [C]ideas about the roles of women have been changing.

  [D]the expansion of sciences scarcely remolds the women's roles.

  23. The author believes that sex discrimination in the West before the 1960s was





  24. According to the fourth paragraph, the author seems to think that

  [A]female passivity is natural.

  [B]men and women are physically identical.

  [C]men are born competitive and aggressive.

  [D]some different sex identity is acquired.

  25. According to the author, which of the following is the most important reason for women to go to work?

  [A]Wish to claim their rights and freedom.

  [B]Ambition and self-fulfillment.

  [C]Financial incentives.

  [D]Desire for a social life.

  Section ⅡReading Comprehension



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