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輔導課程:暑期集訓 在線咨詢
復習緊張,焦頭爛額?逆風輕襲,來跨考秋季集訓營,幫你尋方法,定方案! 了解一下>>

  Smoking may be a pleasure for some people. 1 ,it is a serious source of 2 for their fellows. Now medical authorities express their 3 about the effect of smoking 4 the health not only of those who smoke but also those who do not . 5 ,nonsmokers who must 6 inhale the air polluted by tobacco smoke may 7 more than the smokers themselves.

  As you are 8 informed, a considerable number of students have 9 in a effort to 10 the university to 11 smoking in the classroom. I believe they are 12 right in their aim. However, I would hope that it is 13 to achieve this by calling 14 the smokers to use good judgment and show concern for other 15 than by regulation.

  Smoking is 16 by city bylaws in theatres and in halls used for showing films as well as in laboratories where there may be a fire hazard. 17 , it is up to you good 18 .

  I am therefore asking you to 19 “No smoking” in the auditoriums, classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the nonsmoker’s health and well-being 20 ,which is very important to a large number of our students.

  1. A. HenceB. HoweverC. Anyway D. Furthermore

  2. A. joyB. discomfortC. convenienceD. relief

  3. A. considerationB. attentionC. belief D. concern

  4. A. againstB. forC. inD. on

  5. A. In consequenceB. On the other handC. In factD. After all

  6. A. instinctivelyB. instantlyC. spontaneouslyD. reluctantly

  7. A. sufferB. subjectC. submitD. sustain

  8. A. certainB. sureC. doubtlessD. right

  9. A. enteredB. joinedC. attendedD. involved

  10. A. reasonB. persuade C. argueD. suggest

  11. A. stopB. objectC. banD. prevent

  12. A. entirelyB. likelyC. generallyD. possibly

  13. A. likelyB. probableC. properD. possible

  14. A. outB. forC. onD. up

  15. A. ratherB. betterC. moreD. other

  16. A. prohibitedB. protectedC. reservedD. cleared

  17. A. FurthermoreB. ConsequentlyC. NeverthelessD. Elsewhere

  18. A. ideaB. dutyC. senseD. responsibility

  19. A. persistB. maintainC. stickD. adhere

  20. A. in mindB. in headC. in heartD. in memory


  1. 【答案】B. However

  【解析】本題測試邏輯搭配. however 然而,正合題意。hence 因此;anyway(=in any case, at any rate) 無論如何;furthermore 而且,此外。根據(jù)邏輯意思應(yīng)選 B. However。

  2. 【答案】B. discomfort

  【解析】本題測試邏輯型詞義搭配. 從上文意思看,上句有pleasure 一詞,however 表示語氣轉(zhuǎn)折,可見后面應(yīng)選 discomfort, 形成對照。

  3. 【答案】D. concern

  【解析】本題測試詞義搭配. express one’s concern about(or for, over)表達對….的關(guān)心,顧慮:1)He didn’t show much concern about (or for) it.

  2) The Prime Minister expressed his concern over the strike that had lasted for two months or so.

  consideration 考慮,思考:1) Your proposal is now under consideration. (你的建議正在考慮中。) 2) You should take these facts into consideration.

  attention 注意:pay attention to, give attention to, devote attention to, draw attention to (吸引對…..的注意),attract one’s attention(吸引某人的注意力)。

  belief (in) 相信,信賴:I have great belief in his ability to succeed. 可見,consideration, attention 與 belief 均不切題。

  4. 【答案】D. on

  【解析】本題測試結(jié)構(gòu)搭配. The effect of smoking on the health 吸煙對健康的影響。

  5. 【答案】C. In fact

  【解析】本題測試邏輯搭配.in fact 事實上,實際上。從上下文的意思來看,正合題意。in consequence 因此,on the other hand 另一方面,after all 畢竟,均不符合題意。

  6. 【答案】D. reluctantly

  【解析】本題測試詞義搭配. reluctantly 勉強的;instinctively 本能的,天生的;spontaneously 自發(fā)地;instantly 立即??梢?,reluctantly 正合題意。

  7. 【答案】A. suffer

  【解析】本題測試詞義搭配. suffer vt./vi. 遭受,受到;正合題意。subject…to 使……受到…..:He was subjected to severe criticism.

  submit vt. 1) 提交:We have submitted your request to the committee. 2) (與to 連用) vt./vi. 服從,聽任:I refuse to submit (myself) to his control.

  sustain vt. 1) 支撐: These two posts sustain the whole roof. 2) 經(jīng)受,承受:She sustained a great loss in the death of her husband. 從上下文的邏輯意思和詞義搭配來看,suffer 是正確的選擇。

  8. 【答案】C. doubtless

  【解析】本題測試結(jié)構(gòu)型詞義搭配. doubtless 是副詞,意為“一定,肯定,無疑”,例如 :1) It was doubtless his own fault. 2) John will doubtless come on time as he always dose.

  certain, sure, right 均為形容詞,從語法結(jié)構(gòu)上就可以排除這些選項。

  9. 【答案】B. joined

  【解析】本題測試詞義搭配. join 參加(某個組織):He joined the army last year.

  join in 參加(某種活動):1) The girl, Mary, joined in the conversation. 2) May I join in the game? enter 1)進入:He entered the sitting-room. 2) 參加,到…..里面工作:I refused to enter the discussion. 可見本題用entered 不妥,因為它是及物動詞。3) enter into 開始(談話,討論等) :He entered into an explanation. 4)enter for 報名參加:I shall enter for the new competition. attend 在搭配關(guān)系與邏輯意思上均不符合本題題意。如用involve,則需用被動態(tài), be involved in 參加。例如:Many workers were involved in the strikes in 1946.(許多工人參加了1946年的大罷工。) 2) He is involved in a lot of extra work.(他參加了許多額外的工作。) attend vt. 出席:He attended the meeting yesterday.

  10. 【答案】B. persuade

  【解析】本題測試結(jié)構(gòu)型詞義搭配. persuade sb. to do sth. 說服某人做某事。

  reason vt. 通過講道理是某人做某事,含有“說服”的意思,其搭配關(guān)系是:reason sb. into doing sth. 1) Let’s reason him into joining us. 2) I managed to reason him into complying with the traffic regulations. (我和他講道理讓他遵守交通規(guī)則。)

  argue sb.into doing sth. 通過爭論讓某人做某事:They tried to argue him into joining them. suggest 后不能接sb. to do sth., 但可以接sb.’s doing sth., 例如:I suggested his staying instead of going there.

  11. 【答案】C. ban

  【解析】本題測試詞義搭配. 雖然,ban, stop, object to, prevent 后均可以接動名詞,但含義不同。ban 禁止:1) We will ban all smoking in our club. 2) Smoking is banned here in the train. stop 停止,阻止:The heavy rain has stopped them (or their) playing golf.

  object to 反對:1) I strongly objected to being treated like a child.2) I object to your saying that. 3) She objected to us keeping animals.

  prevent 防止,阻止:1) Of course, I can’t prevent your going. 2) A sever cold prevented him (from) attending the meeting. 3) We must preventing the rumor from spreading. 根據(jù)題意,只能選C. ban 才符合題意。

  12. 【答案】A. entirely

  【解析】本題測試結(jié)構(gòu)型詞義搭配. entirely(= completely in degree)完全的:The goods were entirely unfit for sale. Entirely 常常修飾形容詞,強調(diào)程度上“完全地”。generally 一般來說,從上下文邏輯關(guān)系來看,用generally不妥,因為說話者的態(tài)度是很明確,堅定的,故用entirely. likely 可能(發(fā)生)的;possibly 可能地,均不切題。

  13. 【答案】D. possible

  【解析】本題測試結(jié)構(gòu)型詞義搭配.It is likely to do sth., It is right to do sth. 和 It is probable to do sth.都是錯誤的,應(yīng)該用下列句型:It is likely that …..和 It is probable that ….. 可見本題只能選possible.

  14. 【答案】C. on

  【解析】本題測試慣用搭配. call on sb. to do sth. 號召某人做某事:The president called on his people to make sacrifice for the good of their country. call for sth. 需要;call sb. up 給某人打電話。

  15. 【答案】A. rather

  【解析】本題測試邏輯搭配.rather than 是選擇連詞,意為:而不是。

  16. 【答案】A. prohibited

  【解析】本題測試詞義搭配. prohibited sth. or sb. from doing sth.禁止或阻止某人做某事。prohibit 的其他搭配關(guān)系有:1) Many firms prohibit smoking in their shops. 2) Picking flowers in the park is prohibited. 3) His small size prohibited his becoming a policeman. 此句中的prohibit 意為“阻止”。4) Passengers are prohibited from smoking in the waiting-room. (禁止旅客在候車室里吸煙。)

  17. 【答案】D. Elsewhere

  【解析】本題測試邏輯搭配. elsewhere(=in, at, to some other place) 在別處,到別處。

  18. 【答案】C. sense

  【解析】本題測試詞義搭配.sense 意識,觀念;此句中意為“修養(yǎng)”。


  19. 【答案】B. maintain

  【解析】本題測試詞義搭配. maintain 保持,主張;正合題意。persist in 堅持:Don’t persist in doing what you shouldn’t.

  stick to 堅持,堅持干,遵循:1) I stick to what I said yesterday. 2) He will stick to his task until it is finished. 3) Flying is simple if you stick to the rule.

  adhere to 堅持,奉行:adhere to the reform and opening-up policy.

  20. 【答案】A. in mind

  【解析】本題測試詞義搭配. have sb./sth. in mind 心中想著某人或某事: I don’t know who he has in mind for the job. (我不知道他心中想把這項工作交給誰干)

暑期集訓三期班 8.10開班 手慢無    半年同步封營 搶占最后名額
重點關(guān)注 名師原創(chuàng)暑期復習攻略 讀懂院校招簡,復習不跑偏
暑期集訓火熱招募中 免費在線考研視頻
2018考研知識“暑期”大作戰(zhàn) 2018暑期備考知識點大全 優(yōu)質(zhì)擇校方案,考研不將就


班型 定向班型 開班時間 高定班 標準班 課程介紹 咨詢
秋季集訓 沖刺班 9.10-12.20 168000 24800起 小班面授+專業(yè)課1對1+專業(yè)課定向輔導+協(xié)議加強課程(高定班)+專屬規(guī)劃答疑(高定班)+精細化答疑+復試資源(高定班)+復試課包(高定班)+復試指導(高定班)+復試班主任1v1服務(wù)(高定班)+復試面授密訓(高定班)+復試1v1(高定班)
2023集訓暢學 非定向(政英班/數(shù)政英班) 每月20日 22800起(協(xié)議班) 13800起 先行階在線課程+基礎(chǔ)階在線課程+強化階在線課程+真題階在線課程+沖刺階在線課程+專業(yè)課針對性一對一課程+班主任全程督學服務(wù)+全程規(guī)劃體系+全程測試體系+全程精細化答疑+擇校擇專業(yè)能力定位體系+全年關(guān)鍵環(huán)節(jié)指導體系+初試加強課+初試專屬服務(wù)+復試全科標準班服務(wù)


