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最后更新時(shí)間:2013-08-30 22:23:02
輔導(dǎo)課程:暑期集訓(xùn) 在線咨詢
復(fù)習(xí)緊張,焦頭爛額?逆風(fēng)輕襲,來跨考秋季集訓(xùn)營(yíng),幫你尋方法,定方案! 了解一下>>


  The bride andgroom, a guitar-wielding rock vixen and a muscle-rippling dragon-slayer, makean odd couple-so it is hardly surprising that nobody expected their marriage.But on December 2nd the video-game companies behind "Guitar Hero" and"World of Warcraft", Activision and Vivendi Games respectively,announced plans for an elaborate merger. Vivendi, a French media group, willpool its games unit, plus $1.7 billion in cash, with Activision; the combinedentity will then offer to buy back shares from Activision shareholders, raisingVivendi’s stake in the resulting firm to as much as 68%.

  Activision’s boss, Bobby Kotick, will remainat the helm of the new company, to be known as Activision Blizzard inrecognition of Vivendi’s main gaming asset: its subsidiary Blizzard Entertainment, the firmbehind "World of Warcraft", an online swords-and-sorcery game with9.3m subscribers. The deal was unexpected, but makes excellent strategic sense,says Piers Harding-Rolls of Screen Digest, a consultancy. Activision has longcoveted "World of Warcraft", and Vivendi gets a bigger games divisionand Activision’s talented management team to run it. As well as making sense for bothparties, the $18.9 billion deal-the biggest ever in the video-gamesindustry-says a lot about the trends now shaping the business.

  The first isa push into new markets, especially online multiplayer games, which areparticularly popular in Asia, and "casual" games that appeal topeople who do not regard themselves as gamers. "World of Warcraft" isthe world’s most popular online subscription-based game and is hugely lucrative.Blizzard will have revenues of $1.1 billion this year and operating profits of$520m. "World of Warcraft" is really "a social network with manyentertainment components," says Mr Kotick.

  Similarly, heargues, "Guitar Hero" and other games that use new kinds ofcontroller, rather than the usual buttons and joysticks, are broadening theappeal of gaming by emphasising its social aspects, since they are easy to pickup and can be played with friends. Social gaming, says Mr Kotick, is "themost powerful trend" building new audiences for the industry. He isclearly excited at the prospect of using Blizzard’s expertise to launch an onlineversion of "Guitar Hero" for Asian markets. Online music games suchas "Audition Online", which started in South Korea, are "massivein Asia," says Mr Harding-Rolls.

  A secondtrend is media groups’ increasing interest in gaming. Vivendi owns Universal Music, one of the"big four" record labels. As the record industry’s sales decline, it makes sense tomove into gaming, a younger, faster-growing medium with plenty ofcross-marketing opportunities. (Activision might raid Universal’s back catalogue for material forits music games, for example, which might in turn boost music sales.) Othermedia groups are going the same way. Last year Viacom, an American media giant,acquired Harmonix, the company that originally created "Guitar Hero".It has been promoting its new game, "Rock Band", using its MTV musicchannel. Viacom has also created online virtual worlds that tie in with severalof its television programmes, such as "Laguna Beach" and "PimpMy Ride". Disney bought Club Penguin, a virtual world for children, inAugust. And Time Warner is involved in gaming via its Warner Bros Home Entertainmentdivision, which publishes its own titles and last month bought TT Games, theBritish firm behind the "Lego Star Wars" games.

  1. The mergerof these two companies are out of expection because_____.

  [A] they aimto design marriage games which sound really weird.

  [B] It isdifficult for big companies of two different nations to end up in successfulcooperation.

  [C] Theirgames are by no means similar to each other in terms of their styles.

  [D] It wouldbe illegal for them to buy back the shares.

  2. Why PiersHarding-Rolls thinks this marriage has strategic sense?

  [A]Activision has been longing to cooperate with "World of Warcraft".

  [B] Vivendicould get bigger portion and better management resources from Activision.

  [C] This dealis beneficial to both sides for they can combine their talents to make variousgames.

  [D] This dealmake them become decisive factor of this industry’s trend in the future.

  3. The word"lucrative" (Line 3, Paragraph 3) most probably means_____.

  [A] profitable

  [B] luxurious


  [D] populous

  4. The firsttrend shaping the industry is _____.

  [A] pushingpeople online to develop their own games.

  [B] buildingnew audiences for the new network of games.

  [C] promotinggames with new kinds of controller.

  [D] expandingthe reign of traditional games and creating new market.

  5.From thetwo trends we can infer that_____.

  [A] thismerger is a great success because it goes along with both trends.

  [B] this dealcan strengthen both parties to surpass the other media giants..

  [C] thisallied group is powerful enough to shape the industry’s trends.

  [D] it isindeed of strategic sense to have initiate and carry out the merger




  wield v. 操縱,熟練掌握

  vixen n. 潑婦, 悍婦, 刁婦

  Slayer n. 殺人者, 兇手

  stake n. 股份

  helm n. 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)或支配地位:

  inrecognition of 承認(rèn)...而; 為酬答...而

  covert v. 垂涎, 覬覦

  lucrativeadj. 獲利的,賺錢的

  joystick n. 操縱桿

  tie in v.結(jié)合成一體


  (1) Activision’s boss, Bobby Kotick, will remain at the helm of the new company, to beknown as Activision Blizzard in recognition of Vivendi’s main gaming asset: itssubsidiary Blizzard Entertainment, the firm behind "World ofWarcraft", an online swords-and-sorcery game with 9.3m subscribers.

  [主體句式] Activision’s boss will remain at the helm.

  [結(jié)構(gòu)分析]這個(gè)一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單句,具有復(fù)雜的表語。表語是由一個(gè)固定介詞短語充當(dāng),介詞的賓語比較復(fù)雜,帶有復(fù)雜的修飾成份。to be known as...是做the new company的定語,冒號(hào)后面的成份是用來說明main gaming asset的,可以看作是同位語;冒號(hào)后面的成份中,后面兩個(gè)短語都是前面一個(gè)的同位語,用來對(duì)Blizzard Entertainment作進(jìn)一步的解釋。

  (2) Similarly, he argues, "Guitar Hero" and other games that use newkinds of controller, rather than the usual buttons and joysticks, arebroadening the appeal of gaming by emphasising its social aspects, since theyare easy to pick up and can be played with friends

  [主體句式] He argues, "GuitarHero" and other games are broadening the appeal... since...

  [結(jié)構(gòu)分析]這是一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單句,argues后面是賓語從句,結(jié)構(gòu)比較復(fù)雜,帶有原因狀語從句。賓語從句的主語有that引導(dǎo)的定語從句,by emphasising its social aspects是方式狀語修飾are broadening ...。考試大(www.Examda。com)





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