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最后更新時間:2012-03-30 19:38:21
輔導課程:暑期集訓 在線咨詢
復習緊張,焦頭爛額?逆風輕襲,來跨考秋季集訓營,幫你尋方法,定方案! 了解一下>>


  In a world where sight and sound seem to reign supreme, all it takes is a cursory glance at the size of the perfume industry to realise that smell matters quite a lot, too. Odours are known to regulate moods, thoughts and even dating decisions, which is why any serious romantic will throw on the eau de toilette before going out for a night on the town. Yet in all these cases, those affected are aware of what they are smelling. Unlike the media of sight and sound, in which subliminal messages have been studied carefully, the potential power of subliminal smells has been neglected.

  Wen Li and her colleagues at Northwestern University in Chicago are now changing that. In particular, they are investigating smells so faint that people say they cannot detect them. The idea is to see whether such smells can nevertheless change the way that people behave towards others.

  Dr Li's experiment, the results of which have just been published in Psychological Science, employed 31 volunteers. These people were exposed to three different odours at low concentration. One was the fresh lemon scent of citral. The second was the neutral ethereal perfume of anisole. The third was the foul sweaty smell of valeric acid. And the concentrations really were low. In the case of valeric acid, for example, that concentration was seven parts per trillion—a level only just detectable by bloodhounds. As a control, Dr Li used a mineral oil that has no detectable smell at any concentration.

  The participants were asked to sniff a jar containing either one of the three odours or the scentless oil, and then press a button to indicate whether they thought the jar smelled of anything. Immediately after that, a picture of a face would appear on a screen in front of them for just over a second. Each participant was asked to rate the face's “l(fā)ikeability”.

  Dr Li found that the odours helped shape people's judgments about the faces when their responses indicated that they had not smelled anything. When someone had been exposed to valeric acid, for example, he tended to react negatively to a face. Exposure to citral, by contrast, made that face seem, on average, more friendly. (Obviously, the same face was not shown to any given participant more than once.) Even more intriguing, however, was that when participants did consciously perceive a smell, its effect on face-perception disappeared.

  What is going on is unclear. If smells can carry useful information about personality (which is possible), then the effect would be expected to be the same whether or not the chemical in question is detected subliminally. If they do not carry such information, then it is hard to see what use the subliminal reaction is. Nevertheless, it is there.

  The findings do, however, demonstrate what might be a powerful method of manipulation. Indeed, Dr Li considers the potential uses to be vast. Business meetings might be made more pleasant by releasing appropriate fragrances into the air in unsmellable amounts. Conversely, fights might be started by putting people in the presence of a faint foul odour. Advertising hoardings might benefit from a little olfactory tweaking and cinema audiences could be reduced to floods of tears at the appropriate moment. The sweet smell of success might, in other words, actually be undetectable.

  1. Dr. Li is carrying out such an investigation in order to _____

  [A] find out how smells regulate moods in a subtle and nuanced way.

  [B] prove that smell plays an equally important role in daily life as that of sight and sound.

  [C] find out if people are sensitive to faint smells.

  [D] find out if faint smells could influence people’s judgement of others.

  2.The mineral oil is used in Dr. Li’s experiment to _____

  [A] control the concentration of odours in a slightly detectable degree.

  [B] act as a group of comparison with that of the other smells.

  [C] regulate the participants’ moods by decreasing the smell’s concentration.

  [D] protect the participants from losing sense of smell.

  3. The word “l(fā)ikeability” (Line 4, Paragraph 4) most probably means_____

  [A] similarity.

  [B] likeness.

  [C] loveliness.

  [D] likelihood.

  4. When the participants conciously smelt the valeric acid, they tended to_____

  [A] make negative judgement to a face.

  [B] make positive judgement to a face.

  [C] make biased judgement to a face.

  [D] make fair judgement to a face.

  5. From Dr. Li’s experiment, it can be infered that_____

  [A] one’s reaction to subliminal smells reflect useful information about his or her personality.

  [B] subliminal smells can influence people’s interaction with each other.

  [C] subliminal smells have no effect on people’s conscious face-perception.

  [D] subliminal smells turn out to be a means of powerful manipulation in terms of business success.




  cursory adj. 粗略的, 草率的 subliminal adj. 潛在意識的,微小的

  citral n. [化]檸檬醛 ethereal adj.輕的, 天上的, 象空氣的

  valeric acid n. 纈草酸; 戊酸 bloodhound n. 警犬

  hoarding n.招貼板,廣告牌 olfactory adj. 嗅覺的

  tweak v. 調節(jié),擰


  Odours are known to regulate moods, thoughts and even dating decisions, which is why any serious romantic will throw on the eau de toilette before going out for a night on the town.

  [主體句式] Odours are known to …

  [結構分析]這是一個簡單句,which 引導的非限定性定語從句是用來修是前面的整個句子的。


  If smells can carry useful information about personality (which is possible), then the effect would be expected to be the same whether or not the chemical in question is detected subliminally.

  [主體句式] If… then…




  1. Dr. Li is carrying out such an investigation in order to _____ 1. 李博士進行這項試驗是為了_____

  [A] find out how smells regulate moods in a subtle and nuanced way. [A] 探索氣味是如何以一種細小微妙的方式調節(jié)人的情緒的。

  [B] prove that smell plays an equally important role in daily life as that of sight and sound. [B]證明氣味在人的生活中與人們的視覺、聽覺一樣起到了重要的作用。

  [C] find out if people are sensitive to faint smells. [C] 探索人們是否對微弱的氣味敏感。

  [D] find out if faint smells could influence people’s judgement of others. [D]探索微弱的氣味是否可以影響人們對他人的判斷。


  [難度系數(shù)] ☆☆☆

  [分析] 推理題。文章介紹了李博士的實驗,可以看出,該實驗的對象是微弱的、人們靠嗅覺聞不到的氣味。主要研究這種氣味能否影響人們對于他人的行為,從試驗詳細描述來看,主要是人們對于他人的印象和判斷。其中文章的第一段和第二段分別談到“和視覺和聲音媒介不同的是,它們其中微小的訊息已經被仔細研究過了,而細微的氣味潛在的力量卻被人們忽略了”、“特別的是,他們現(xiàn)在研究的氣味非常微弱,人們都說他們感覺不到這些氣味。他們想看看這些氣味是不是也可以影響人們對他人的行為”等都說明了所有答案中D最為吻合文章的意思。

  2.The mineral oil is used in Dr. Li’s experiment to _____ 2. 李博士的實驗中礦物油是用來_____

  [A] control the concentration of odours in a slightly detectable degree. [A] 在一個基本上很難察覺的程度上控制氣味的濃度。

  [B] act as a group of comparison with that of the other smells. [B] 作為和其他氣味比較的一個對照組。

  [C] regulate the participants’ moods by decreasing the smell’s concentration. [C] 通過降低氣味的濃度來調節(jié)試驗參與者的情緒。

  [D] protect the participants from losing sense of smell. [D] 保證試驗參與者不會喪失嗅覺。

  [答案] B

  [難度系數(shù)] ☆☆

  [分析] 推理題。文章第三段指出,李博士在實驗中用一種完全沒有氣味的礦物油作為control, 這里control的意思是在對照實驗中被用作對照標準的一個或一組物體。不過這個意思比較生僻,考生可能不知道。那么可以根據(jù)實驗中它的作用推斷出來,它是絕對無味的,可以和其他的氣味的實驗結果對照。如果考生擁有足夠的常識,也會知道在一般的科學實驗中,為了保證試驗結果的有效性,通常需要設置一個對照組。那么,選項B最為符合題意。

  3. The word “l(fā)ikeability” (Line 4, Paragraph 4) most probably means_____ 3. “l(fā)ikeability” (第四段第四行)意思最可能指_____

  [A] similarity. [A] 類似性。

  [B] likeness. [B] 相似性。

  [C] loveliness. [C] 可愛。

  [D] likelihood. [D] 相似性,可能性。

  [答案] C

  [難度系數(shù)] ☆☆☆

  [分析] 猜詞題。根據(jù)上下文來判斷該詞的意思,試驗要求參與者給看到的臉做一個判定,判定的內容可以根據(jù)實驗結果看出來,是讓參與者判斷所看到的臉是否“可親”,因此,可以斷定這個詞的意思是C。

  4. When the participants conciously smelt the valeric acid, they tended to_____ 4.當參與者意識到自己聞到了頡草酸時,他們


  [A] make negative judgement to a face. [A] 對看到的臉給以否定的判斷。

  [B] make positive judgement to a face. [B] 對看到的臉給以肯定的判斷。

  [C] make biased judgement to a face. [C] 對看到的臉給以偏頗的判斷。

  [D] make fair judgement to a face. [D] 對看到的臉給以公平的判斷。


  [難度系數(shù)] ☆☆☆


  5. From Dr. Li’s experiment, it can be infered that_____ 5. 由李博士的實驗可以推斷出_____

  [A] one’s reaction to subliminal smells reflect useful information about his or her personality. [A]一個人對細微的氣味的反應顯示了有關于其個性的有用的信息。

  [B] subliminal smells can influence people’s interaction with each other. [B] 細微的氣味可以影響人們與他人的交往。

  [C] subliminal smells have no effect on people’s conscious face-perception. [C] 細微的氣味不能影響人們有意識地對臉的判斷。

  [D] subliminal smells turn out to be a means of powerful manipulation in terms of business success. [D] 細微的氣味在商業(yè)成功的意義上來說是一種非常有利的控制手段。


  [難度系數(shù)] ☆☆☆☆

  [分析] 推理題。李博士的實驗主要是為了看看細微的氣味能否影響人們對他人的看法和印象,根據(jù)實驗結果,參與者在聞了細微氣味后會對看到的臉產生一定的反應,因此,可以得出結論,細微的氣味能夠影響對他人的行為。選項A,文章中提到有可能有這種可能,但是還沒有證實。C不是該實驗的一個主要結論,且該論點也沒有得到證實。D選項的相關內容在文章的最后一段有所涉及,但是這只是對前景的推測,結論還沒有得到證實。因此,答案應該選B選項。










班型 定向班型 開班時間 高定班 標準班 課程介紹 咨詢
秋季集訓 沖刺班 9.10-12.20 168000 24800起 小班面授+專業(yè)課1對1+專業(yè)課定向輔導+協(xié)議加強課程(高定班)+專屬規(guī)劃答疑(高定班)+精細化答疑+復試資源(高定班)+復試課包(高定班)+復試指導(高定班)+復試班主任1v1服務(高定班)+復試面授密訓(高定班)+復試1v1(高定班)
2023集訓暢學 非定向(政英班/數(shù)政英班) 每月20日 22800起(協(xié)議班) 13800起 先行階在線課程+基礎階在線課程+強化階在線課程+真題階在線課程+沖刺階在線課程+專業(yè)課針對性一對一課程+班主任全程督學服務+全程規(guī)劃體系+全程測試體系+全程精細化答疑+擇校擇專業(yè)能力定位體系+全年關鍵環(huán)節(jié)指導體系+初試加強課+初試專屬服務+復試全科標準班服務


