
最后更新時間:2018-03-01 14:42:35
輔導課程:暑期集訓 在線咨詢
復習緊張,焦頭爛額?逆風輕襲,來跨考秋季集訓營,幫你尋方法,定方案! 了解一下>>
        時間真的過得太快,誰能想到2018年已經(jīng)過去兩個月,想要2019考研的同學們不要覺得時間還早,不要想著先過完年,再過完元宵節(jié)的,從今天開始,不,是從現(xiàn)在開始,學科基礎(chǔ)要抓好。下面是 跨考教育小編為大家總結(jié)的2019考研英語語法解析的內(nèi)容,希望能幫到大家。



  If you that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be so sleepy.

  A. haven’t watched B. didn’t watch

  C. hadn’t watched D. wouldn’t have watched 答案選C。

  Many dead would now be alive if they have not attempted to return for something.

  Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he would be our chairman now.


  I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible, but I was fully occupied the whole of last week.


  Your math instructor would have been happy to give you a make-up examination had you gone and explained that your parents were ill at the time.

  該句前半句用的是假設(shè)虛擬,后半句主句也用的是假設(shè)虛擬(如果你去并且解釋的話),但是后半句的從句用的是事實語氣,因為“父母病了”是客觀事實,故不需要用虛擬形式had been。



  (1)介詞或介詞短語,如but for, but that, without, in case of, under more favorable condition等。

  the leadership of the party, we could not be living a happy life today.=If there hadn’t been the leadership of the party, we could not be living a happy today.

  A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for 答案選B。

  But that she was afraid, she would have said no.

  (2)連詞,如:so that, unless, in case, supposing, lest, provided(倘若……),for fear that(唯恐),in order that, on condition that, if only(要是……就好了)等。

  She listened carefully in order that she might discover exactly what he wanted.=if she listened carefully ,she might discover exactly what he wanted.

  If only I had more money, I could buy a car.

  (注:lest, for fear that 和 in case 引起的從句中謂語動詞多用should+動詞原形,但可以不用虛擬語氣,而用動詞的陳述語氣形式。)例如:

  The foreign teacher spoke slowly in case we misunderstood him. 這位外籍教師說得很慢以免我們聽不懂。

  Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow should occur.在使用此法時要小心謹慎,以免會發(fā)生溢流現(xiàn)象。

  (3)通過上下文及內(nèi)在含義,句中往往有but, otherwise, unfortunately等類似轉(zhuǎn)折詞。

  I thought the children when we returned home, but they were still awake.

  A. were sleeping B. would be sleeping C. had been sleeping D. would sleep選擇 B。


  A more careful person would not have made so many mistakes.

  A less conscientious man wouldn’t have tried so hard to get this job done.


  Having known in time, we might have prevented the accident.

  Born ten days earlier, the boy could have seen his late father.

  (6)動詞不定式短語。一般intended/meant/hoped/wished/planned 或 was/were+不定式完成式或had intended/meant/planned/hoped/wished/+不定式一般式表示虛擬。

  I intended I should call on you, but I was busy at that time.

  To hear him speak French, you would take him for an Englishman.

  She would be stupid not to accept his invitation.

  It would be easier to do it this way.


  A judicious man would not have committed suicide.

  A diligent student would have worked harder.


  All things considered, the price would be reasonable.


  Anyone who had been in your position would have done the same.

  A nation, which stopped working, would be dead in a fortnight.


  I should have called to make an airline reservation, but I didn’t.

  The porter ought to have called the fire-brigade as soon as he saw the fire in the stock, which went up in smoke.



  God bless you!

  All magnets behave the same, be they large or small.

  She’ll be sixteen years odd, come May.(come May =when May come).

  If that be so, we shall take action at once.


  1.Were it not for the snowy weather, we all right.

  A. would be B. would have been C. were D. may be

  2. more careful, his ship would not have sunk.

  A. If the captain were B. Had the captain been

  C. Should the captain be D. If the captain would have been

  3. If he me tomorrow, I would let him know.

  A. should call B. should not have been able

  C. were not able D. are not able

  4. If you asked your father you permission.

  A. may get B. might get C. should have called D. maybe get

  5. today, he would get there by Friday.

  A. Would he leave B. Was he leaving C. Were he to leave D. If he leaves

  6. ______I you, I would go with him to the party.

  A. Was B. Had been C. Will be D. Were

  7.The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, ______all practical value by the time they were finished.

  A. could lose B. would have lost C. might lose D. ought to have lost

  8. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he our chairman now.

  A. must have been B. would have been C. were D. would be

  9. If you Jerry Brown until recently, you’d think the photograph on the right was strange.

  A. shouldn’t contact B. didn’t contact C. weren’t to contact D. hadn’t contacted

  10.he English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday

  A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for

  11. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I your advice

  A. follow B. would follow C. had followed D. have followed

  12. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he our chairman now.

  A. must have been B. would have been C. were D. hadn’t contacted

  13. If the horse won today, it thirty races in five years.

  A. would have won B. won C. must have won D. did have won

  14. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _______a sudden loud noise.

  A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there having been

  15. The board deemed it urgent that these files right away.

  A. had to be printed B. should have been printed

  C. must be printed D. should be printed


  如:Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a diamond necklace?你還記得嗎,十年前的一天下午,我來到你家,找你借了一條鉆石項鏈?

  when I came to your house and borrowed a diamond necklace實際上是修飾afternoon而不是修飾 years。ten years ago 實際上是定語后置修飾afternoon。

 ?、巯刃性~與定語從句被謂語分隔開來。此時,先行詞通常是句子的主語,因定語從句較長,主句謂語較短,為使句子平衡,常將定語從句移至謂語之后 如:

  A new master will come tomorrow who will teach you German.




  2018考研:復試分數(shù)線查詢(全)    2019考研全年集訓營 我們的目標“雙一流”


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全國各院校成績查詢及復試調(diào)劑注意事項匯總 34所自劃線院校2018考研成績查詢時間及入口匯總
歷年考研分數(shù)線 近8年(2010-2017)年考研國家分數(shù)線 34所自命題院校分數(shù)線查詢
歷年國家線變化解讀 2018考研各門類國家線匯總


班型 定向班型 開班時間 高定班 標準班 課程介紹 咨詢
秋季集訓 沖刺班 9.10-12.20 168000 24800起 小班面授+專業(yè)課1對1+專業(yè)課定向輔導+協(xié)議加強課程(高定班)+專屬規(guī)劃答疑(高定班)+精細化答疑+復試資源(高定班)+復試課包(高定班)+復試指導(高定班)+復試班主任1v1服務(wù)(高定班)+復試面授密訓(高定班)+復試1v1(高定班)
2023集訓暢學 非定向(政英班/數(shù)政英班) 每月20日 22800起(協(xié)議班) 13800起 先行階在線課程+基礎(chǔ)階在線課程+強化階在線課程+真題階在線課程+沖刺階在線課程+專業(yè)課針對性一對一課程+班主任全程督學服務(wù)+全程規(guī)劃體系+全程測試體系+全程精細化答疑+擇校擇專業(yè)能力定位體系+全年關(guān)鍵環(huán)節(jié)指導體系+初試加強課+初試專屬服務(wù)+復試全科標準班服務(wù)


