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2022考研英語作文美文鑒賞之:電子游戲 戀上手機(jī)

最后更新時(shí)間:2021-05-31 17:07:23
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  很多22考研的小伙伴已經(jīng)開始行動(dòng)了,考研英語基礎(chǔ)差,恐怕大多數(shù)考研的學(xué)生都有這個(gè)問題,考研英語作文是考研英語中的重要部分,掌握好作文可以使考研英語成績大大提升。下面為大家整理了2022年考研英語作文美文鑒賞之電子游戲 戀上手機(jī),一起了解一下。


  Business: Video games A crush on mobile


  A big merger shows where the money is heading in the industry.


  Compare “Candy Crush Saga” with the “Star Wars” franchise and it comes as a shock that the casual game's creator,


  King Digital Entertainment, would sell for almost 50% more than the $4 billion that Disney paid for Lucasfilm in 2012.


  But in paying $5.9 billion in cash and stock for King on November 3rd Activision Blizzard, a giant in video games for computers and specialist gaming consoles, is doing more than buying another industry leader.


  Its purchase is an acknowledgment that the future of video games, and of gaming profits, is in mobile, where games are usually given away, and where their creators make money by selling extra features to the most enthusiastic players.


  Mobile games have been by far the fastest-growing part of the market in recent years, and have broader international appeal because of the penetration of smartphones.


  By Activision's reckoning, worldwide revenues from mobile games will almost catch up with those from PC and console games by 2019, reaching $55 billion (up from an estimated $36 billion this year) .


  PC and console games' sales are projected to reach $57 billion by then.


  With “Candy Crush Saga” in its arsenal, Activision will have one of the most successful mobile games yet seen, access to an active monthly user base of nearly half a billion people and dozens of new foreign markets where smartphones, not consoles, are the game platforms of choice.

  動(dòng)視(Activision)將經(jīng)過《糖果傳奇》(Candy Crush Saga),這個(gè)目前看來最成功的手機(jī)游戲,擁有接近5億的月活躍用戶以及大量來自國外新興市場,選擇智能手機(jī)作為游戲平臺(tái)而不是主機(jī)的玩家。

  Those users might enjoy mobile versions of some of Activision's hits, like the “Guitar Hero” series.


  The combined company will become the world's second-biggest in terms of video-gaming revenues, with close to $7 billion a year, placing it behind only Tencent, a Chinese gaming and social-media conglomerate.


  Activision has flailed about in mobile gaming (even if it has had a recent hit with “Hearthstone”, a digital card game) .


  Though King's shares have weakened since it gave a profit warning in May this year, there are worries that Activision may be paying richly for its big move into mobile.


  James Gwertzman, the boss of Playfab, a provider of back-office technology for game developers, says it is not clear if Activision and King can add that much value to each other's gaming platforms, in the way that Disney can exploit the “Star Wars” characters and stories acrossits various businesses.

  為游戲開發(fā)者提供服務(wù)的游戲后端服務(wù)商Playfab的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼CEO詹姆斯·高茲曼(James Gwertzman)表示相比迪士尼開發(fā)星球大戰(zhàn)的人物和故事并與其自身的多個(gè)產(chǎn)業(yè)融合,現(xiàn)在還很難說動(dòng)視(Activision)和King數(shù)字娛樂公司能否為彼此的游戲平臺(tái)增加更多的價(jià)值。

  There is also no guarantee that King can establish another runaway success like “Candy Crush Saga” &mdashalthough it has created a moderately successful sequel in “Candy Crush Soda” &mdashor that the flagship “Saga” game will remain a hit.


  The faddish mobile game of the moment, like, say Zynga's “FarmVille”, can give way seemingly overnight to new franchise hits&mdashin its case, to “Candy Crush Saga” itself.


  1.mobile gaming 手機(jī)游戲

  例句:This increase in mobile device usage has also led to the growth of the mobile gaming industry.


  2.back-office 后勤部門

  例句:As a result, many back-office jobs, for example, have been relocated to mainland China.


  3.catch up with 趕上追上

  例句:The law caught up with him yesterday.


  4.give away 放棄贈(zèng)送

  例句:He was arrested for having given away state secrets.





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