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  建立一个新的成q模?span lang="EN-US">

  Creating a New Model of Manhood

  q是本书最短的一章,q不是说它相对不那么重要Q而是因ؓ它涉及到一些尚未显露出来的问题―?/span>一U新的男性模?span lang="EN-US">(a new model of masculinity)。我们能够鼓励ƈ支持男孩子们努力地去砺hone自己的情l智力,用心来生z,但是Q除非那U?span lang="EN-US">?/span>男h是什?span lang="EN-US">?/span>的观念发生了改变Q否则,他们不可能完全做到这一炏V即使今天,在电(sh)视上或者其它地Ҏ(gu)Ҏ(gu)的男人的特征Q也不过是个看橄榄球比赛的情l白?span lang="EN-US">emotional idiot。就在昨晚的?sh)视?span lang="EN-US">,q有一个家伙在处于崩溃中时对一个朋友说Q?span lang="EN-US">?/span>我想我感C什么,好像是情l?span lang="EN-US">(Ȁ?span lang="EN-US">?)Q你曾有q这U感觉么??p>

  This is the shortest chapter of the book, not because it is less important, but because it deals with something that is yet to emerge—a new model of masculinity. We can encourage and support boys in their efforts to hone their emotional intelligence and live connected to their hearts, but they can’t do that fully unless the very notion of what a man is changes. Even today, the hallmark of manhood touted on TV and elsewhere is a football-watching emotional idiot. Just last night on TV, there was a guy in the midst of breakup saying to a friend, “I think I feel something, like emotions. Have you ever felt emotions??p>

  作ؓ父母和相关的照看?span lang="EN-US">(监护?span lang="EN-US">?caregivers)Q我们是q次不^常的转化的促q者。但是最l,h的新的概念q将在男孩子们的成长与发育过E中的思想与心中Q现。对于成q男性的新的概念的创建的最大责d于他们去探烦Q去l历Q去试Qƈ且去_。而我们所能做的就是去敞开q个讨论Q支持他们的努力Qƈ在其周围创造一个强有力的支持系l来增固情A表达的益处和加深人际间的关系?span lang="EN-US">

  As parents and concerned caregivers, we are the midwives of this extraordinary transformation. But ultimately the new definition of manhood will emerge from the minds and hearts of our sons as they grow and develop. The largest responsibility for the creation of a new definition of manhood is theirs to discover, to experience, to experiment with, and to refine. What we can do is open the discussion, support them in their efforts, and create a strong support system around them that reinforces the benefits of emotional expression and deep interpersonal connection.


  Talk about the Mixed Messages of Manhood

  回过头来看看Q在我成长过E中Q我意识刎ͼ我大部分的儿童期都在极力地想知道的最主要的问题是Q?span lang="EN-US">?/span>成ؓ一个男人的切含义是什?span lang="EN-US">??/span>我从未真正地清楚地回{过q个问题Q也实未曾问过别h。而只是一直在试图获得我随旉地可以得到的提示?span lang="EN-US">

  “Looking back at when I was growing up, I realize that the main question that I struggled with for most of my childhood was, ‘What exactly does it mean to be a man??I never actually articulated that question and I certainly never asked anyone. I just kept trying to pick up clues wherever I could find them.?p>

  以上是一D|关与我们是如此盲目的引文Q以至于我们的男孩子们一直在努力q寻的核心问题甚至不是谈论的主题作ؓ一U文化。清楚的是,我们对于一个好男h的定义处在一场؜׃困惑的过渡期。旧有的模型Q从w着盔甲的骑士到U翰?/span>韦恩Q仍然留存着一些吸引力Q但很明显是单方面的Qƈ且已不再适用。这U新的模型出C一部叫?span lang="EN-US">?/span>敏感C?span lang="EN-US">?“Sensitive New Age Guy?/span>的情景喜剧,它提供了一个ؕp糟的,充满着不的,不成熟的另类成年h角艌Ӏ?span lang="EN-US">

  It’s a mark of how blinded we are as a culture that the core question our sons have to struggle with is not even a topic of conversation. What is clear is that our definition of a good man is in a tumultuous and confusing transition. The old models, from knights in shining armor to John Wayne, still hold some attraction but are clearly one-dimensional and inadequate. The new models that appear out of the “Sensitive New Age Guy?sitcom portrayal of fumbling manhood offer half-baked alternatives riddled with their own inadequacies.


  So how do we help our sons deal with this heavy burden? How can they possibly know what direction they need to head if no one is willing to admit the question is out there?

  藉由谈论q个问题。让_光明与充的理由投射到这一不光彩的令h惶恐的问题上吧。我们还不能得到{案;我们q不能清楚明地说出一个男人如何能在没有暴力、愤怒、和敏感下变得强?span lang="EN-US">;在失去自我关注时而富有同情心;在不自我奉献时变得慷慨。我们也许还不能有一q我们所希望的零散片D|合在一h的清晰画面,但是Q我不能惛_另外的一个更合适的可持l谈论的话题了?span lang="EN-US">

  By talking about it. By shining the bright light of reason on this murky and frightening issue. We may not have the answers yet; we may not be able to articulate exactly how a man should be strong without violence and anger, sensitive and compassionate without losing self-focus, generous without giving himself away. We may not have a clear picture of how we want the pieces to fit together, but is there is a better topic of ongoing conversation, I can’t think of it.


  父母Q让你的男孩知道他是一Zd的,重新定义男h应该是什么样子的q程中的重要一部分。ƈ且,l常邀请他U极参与到对q个概念应是什么的探讨中来?span lang="EN-US">

  Parents: Let your son know that he is an important part of an extraordinary process—the redefinition of what it is to be a man—and regularly invite his active participation in exploring what that definition should be.

  教师Q这是一个课堂作业的大论题。我们处在历史文化{变的q雾中。ؓ什么要{着历史学家d从今天以后的若q年Q然后告诉我们,我们的所?span lang="EN-US">?邀h有你的成长中的社会理论家们去深入q创Z们自q一个男人所应有的画面把?span lang="EN-US">

  Teachers: This is a great topic for classwork. We are in the midst of an historic cultural transition. Why leave it to historians to look back years from now and tell us what we did? Invite all your budding social theorists to dive in and creat their own pictures of what a man should be.



  Read History through New Eyes

  我最好的记忆之一是和父亲读同样的书Qƈ且一赯论它们。像以往一P很偶然的Q他告诉我《历史与未来之王》是他最喜欢的书之一Q于是,我们军_一起去d?span lang="EN-US">

  “One of my favorite memories was reading the same books as my father and talking about them. It was a tradition we accidentally started when he told me that The Once and Future King was one of his favorite books, so we both, decided to read it.?p>

  我们是历史的产物Q我们是如何ȝ解自׃为男人和女h的要比我们所愿意承认的更实际一些。性别角色已经被一代代地承传了下来。当环境促它们的改变时Q但角色分离仍在持箋着Q一般,q种角色Ҏ(gu)于非常实际且实用的历史分工,而且Q后来只会变得更加根p固?span lang="EN-US">

  We are a product of our history, and that is more true in how we perceive our roles as men and women than we might care to admit. Gender roles have been handed down for generation after generation. Often these roles were rooted in very practical and useful historical divisions of labor and only became constricting later, when the circumstances that gave rise to them changed but the role separations continued.

  L索历Ԍq去弄清哪些有意义和不再有意义的原因的最有意思的Ҏ(gu)之一是Q及时地和你的孩子一赯溯ƈ探讨q个性别角色的世界,在故事中向他们解释其他的对事物有不同划分的文化?span lang="EN-US">

  One of the most enjoyable ways to explore this history and unravel the reasons that made sense and the reasons that no longer make sense is to go back in time with your children and explore the world of gender roles. Expose them to stories of other cultures in which things were divided up differently.

  赋予孩子们以hz察力的天赋Q及富于惌力的质疑。用历史L开他们的思想Q去了解现在与将来应是什么样子的?span lang="EN-US">

  Give your children the gift of perspective and the challenge of imagination. Use history to open their minds to what the present is and the



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U季集训 冲刺?/td> 9.10-12.20 168000 24800?/td> 班面授+专业??+专业译֮向辅?协议加强评(高定?+专属规划{疑(高定?+_化答?复试资源(高定?+复试译֌(高定?+复试指导(高定?+复试班主?v1服务(高定?+复试面授密训(高定?+复试1v1(高定?
2023集训畅学 非定向(政英?数政qQ?/td> 每月20?/td> 22800?协议? 13800?/td> 先行阶在U课E?基础阶在U课E?强化阶在U课E?真题阶在U课E?冲刺阶在U课E?专业NҎ(gu)一对一评+班主dE督学服?全程规划体系+全程试体系+全程_化答?择校择专业能力定位体p?全年关键环节指导体系+初试加强?初试专属服务+复试全科标准班服?/td>


